About me
I teach people to up-level their health through my decades of experience as an Ayurvedic Practitioner and Yoga Teacher. I love that the tools are simple, practical, and efficient, and as available as making the choice to use them.
I became interested in holistic medicine while writing a paper on Eastern philosophy in college, a fascination that deepened while attending Bancroft School of Massage Therapy in Worcester, MA. In 2000, I opened my massage therapy practice. Simultaneously, I honed my customer service skills and knowledge of herbs as a vitamin and supplement advisor at a local health food store. A keen interest in Āyurveda and Yoga led me to The Āyurvedic Institute, in New Mexico. While there, I was privileged to study with Dr. Vasant Lad, Dr. Claudia Welch, and Chitra Giaque. I furthered my training in Dr. Lad’s Pañchakarma Clinic, participating in and observing the changes wrought by Āyurveda’s healing therapies. People would arrive debilitated and despondent and depart with their enthusiasm and vitality restored.
After graduating from The Āyurvedic Institute, my private practice grew to include one-on-one Āyurvedic consultations, hands-on therapies, yoga, and workshops. I harnessed Āyurveda and Yoga to help people thrive despite their chronic health conditions which ranged from cancer to pain. I discovered the joys of classroom teaching while at Sacred Stone Massage School in Rhode Island: I relished developing a curriculum, writing lesson plans, and sharing both Āyurvedic theory and it’s hands-on treatments such as śhirodharā, abhyanga, and svedana with massage therapy students. I continued to teach yoga in my community both one-on-one and in group classes and became operations manager for a local spa overseeing a two million dollar facilities renovation and staffing expansion.
I deepened my studies of Āyurveda with Vaidya Jessica Vellela at Āyu Academy where I encountered the Āyurvedic classical texts of Caraka, Suśhruta, and Vāgbhata. Through it all, I learned about the body-mind connection, movement, and breath work with Chandra Hunter Swedlow and Dan Leven.
I am currently taking a limited number of 1-on-1 coaching clients. You can learn more about my Ayurvedic health coaching here.
Read more about my vision and values here and my journey with chronic lyme disease here.