My curls are a metaphor.
Creating an altar for healing
Rewriting our life story
What would Baby Yoda do?
Three potent medicines that don't come in pill bottles
Butternut Squash Soup
Breakfast Rice Pudding
Fragrant with cardomom and cinnamon, this is a seriously yummy dish for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
Why do we care about optimal health?
If you have Lyme disease or know someone with Lyme disease, then you know that it has a profound impact on a person's quality of life. But did you know that Āyurveda was created specifically to improve our quality of life?
Āyurveda's Three Pillars of Health
In the same way that a foundation and frame provide structure for a building, the Three Pillars of Health provide structure for our lives. The rules of sleep, food, and discernment support us and give us strength.